Additional Information

  • Part time Photographer
  • Around 10 months experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel for shoots and have my own transport
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Beauty, Fashion and Portrait


I’ve been a hobbyist photographer for around 10 years.

In 2021 I had an accident at work fracturing my spine and only now have I been able to return to my photography. I still have mobility problems, so prefer to shoot indoors or locations that are flat, dry and have plenty of light.

I do not use flash, most of my photography is done with natural or reflective light. Please bear this in mind if you are requesting a shoot indoors 

I like to tailor each shoot to each model I work with, often I will purchase outfits specifically for our shoot. 

I believe a great shoot is a close collaboration between the photographer and model, with both parties sharing mood boards, ideas etc via Pinterest

My specialty is portraits & head shots 


I am based in Swindon, Wiltshire and due to my injury I am limited to how long I spend in the car at one time

(1 hour or around 40 miles each way)

Because of this, I avoid travelling/shooting during peak traffic times and I usually shoot on the following days 


Photography is my hobby, but understand models rely on income to support themselves, so happy to pay up to £30/hour plus travel expenses - for fashion up to topless levels, so if you message me please bear this in mind. 


I will always share my images with the model, providing the following conditions are met

  • My Images are not re-edited 
  • You do not add filters to my images 
  • I am tagged in all images shared to Purpleport
  • I am tagged in all images shared to Instagram @wiltshire_swindon_photography


I believe that great images stem from ideas shared between us, that way we both know what we are trying to achieve and have the same vision 

I like to take my time on a shoot and may take extra time to get the right shot

The model should always feel comfortable during the shoot, so if at anytime you don’t feel it’s working, please say, eg feeling cold, awkward etc as this will reflect in the images. 
Communication is important 

Hopefully our shoot will be fun 😂


I like to review images with the model either during or after our shoot. So if there are any images that may reveal more than the levels agreed, we can delete them immediately! 


Hopefully after reviewing my references or contacting models I have previously worked with, you feel comfortable for a 1-2-1 shoot. 
However if you are new at this or just a bit nervous, I am happy for a chaperone to be nearby, my only rule is that it is not a spouse. So feel free to bring a friend for support 

Sometimes I may need your chaperone to help out on a shoot, reflector holder, spotter or wardrobe assistant, but please agree this with me prior to the shoot 


If you have read this far, we definitely need to shoot! 

Thanks for popping by and I look forward to hearing from you



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Grant-WASP has 58 references; 57 recommended, 1 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.


Grant-WASP has 27 followers and is following 85 people.