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One word, but what am I talking about?


Kirk Schwarz

By Kirk Schwarz, 1685975627

It's a game. Rules are simple, one person write a word and the next person has to explain what they think that word relates to, then add their own word for the next person to riff off of. 

For example, I could write, 'Satsuma' and you could say 'What Trump asks for when he walks into a tanning saloon'. Then you add your word. 

I'll start: 


Orson Carter said, 1685976551

FLAT - an Italian car with a puncture

My word: MOIST

JPea said, 1685976775

Moist- the largest number by a dweller of the Bronx

My Word ;Pulse

Kirk Schwarz said, 1685976930

Pulse - The setting I imagine I'd use on my mixer making a smoothie for my long-awaited fictional diet


Edited by Kirk Schwarz

Orson Carter said, 1685977679

Brown - something that's above Gordon's eye. 


Jerome Razoir said, 1685978176

What happens to your sandwich wrapper, when you drop your sandwiches in a puddle.


Orson Carter said, 1685979035

Stick - when one vomits after drinking Earl Grey.

My word: GROPE

anagliff said, 1685979132

Stick - High viscosity.


RexV said, 1685979615

Grope - northern dialect for 'grow up'

Oyster - command to lift something up

My word - Freesia

Danny. said, 1685979692

Heavily discounted flowers

My word: REPORT

Piktorre said, 1685984162

Report - Stocking up on Cockburn's

My word: Democratic

DaveEd said, 1685987459

Democratic -Beta version of new government.

My word: Mythical

jump the wall photography said, 1685988349

A Thical that belongs to me

My Word  CRANE

Morph01 said, 1685988579

Crane, description of a crayon by a toddler.


B17fan said, 1685989684

Facial hair that makes one look more aggressive.


DaveEd said, 1686046903

Elimentary - A door for Elims.

My word - Garbage