One word, but what am I talking about?


mephotography said, 1715691007

Jaundiced : Spanish John gets chopped up

My word : Antibiotic

Theta Aeterna said, 1715692401

Antibiotics are destroying the ecosystem and reducing our immune capacity

Next word: Straw Hat

♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1715693355

Theta Aeterna said

Antibiotics are destroying the ecosystem and reducing our immune capacity

Next word: Straw Hat

Private school boater uniform hell..

My word: Superfluous 

B17fan said, 1715718529

Superfluous: Highly contagious strain of influenza.

My word: Empennage.

Buddygb said, 1715720218

Empennage: a very, very long serving European parliamentarian.

My word: Photosynthesis.


mephotography said, 1715721152

Photosynthesis: AI imagery that tries to win competitions and FPIs

My word: Floccinaucinihilipilification

B17fan said, 1715722487

Floccinaucinihilipilification:  A waste of time Googling.

My word: Semantics.

♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1715723286

Semen antics.. orgy.. oh wait, I can’t spell LOL

My word: glow worm

Theta Aeterna said, 1715789451

♥ Chiara Elisabetta

When you dig deep enough in the rainforest to hide your secrets, be careful not to touch any glow worms, to avoid becoming one of those secrets.

Next word: Extraorbitant

DaveEd said, 1715791780

Extraorbitant: An experiment on the space station over-ran and one of the ants had to do an extra orbit.

My Word: Carbonated 

Matt Mjphography said, 1715795907

Carbonated: a fizzy beverage sometimes mixed with alcohol.

My word: aerodynamics

Theta Aeterna said, 1715807976

Aerodynamics: The art of losing constant money to gain 1% wattage on a road bike

Next word: Freudian

mephotography said, 1715809514

Freudian : a type of slip not found in the lingerie department of Joh Lewis

My word : Universal

CalmNudes said, 1715855576

Universal  - a poem written as one continuous stanza 

Next word: workspace

jump the wall photography said, 1715856844

Workspace - The slow speed achieved when I'm given a job to do.

Next word - Vegetarian