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Images being removed.


Parkstone Photography

By Parkstone Photography, 1715945335

I really don't understand Purpleport. They removed some of my images claiming that they look like they are AI even though I have proof that I have done them within Photoshop. Surely the better thing to do would be to contact me directly to find out if I actually have proof I created them, before removing my images...

What do I have to do??? Do I have to upload an image showing that I have done this with Photoshop rather than the image itself???

It is exactly for this reason why I have decided, recently, to save files SPECIFICALLY as PSD's as well as other file formats, to prove that it is me doing the editing and I don't create images solely using AI!!!

Edited by Parkstone Photography

Parkstone Photography said, 1715945534

Maybe it's best just to remove all of my composite work from Purpleport that is my editing style and just keeping my only photography on here... Just seems unfair and now feels like I'm being singled out and targeted unfairly... 😒

ANDY00 said, 1715946659

As far as I'm aware (I could be wrong), the issue isn't with the use of AI in creating images per se. The concern is more about the model in the images needing to be a real person, photographed by you. With your kind of art, which I really like a lot, it's very creative. Since your style often obscures the models, making them less recognizable, it could potentially be almost entirely AI-generated, making it harder to tell.

Parkstone Photography said, 1715947434

ANDY00 said

As far as I'm aware (I could be wrong), the issue isn't with the use of AI in creating images per se. The concern is more about the model in the images needing to be a real person, photographed by you. With your kind of art, which I really like a lot, it's very creative. Since your style often obscures the models, making them less recognizable, it could potentially be almost entirely AI-generated, making it harder to tell.

I completely agree and understand what you're saying. It's exactly for this reason why I'm removing loads of images where models are not tagged.

Quite frankly though, I'm trimming down my Purpleport portfolio just to show one image of a model I have worked with, then post more images on other social media platforms...

Saracen House Studio said, 1715947478

I think this raises an interesting point.  For sure there are some members on here who think it's OK to completely generate an image using generative AI and that's pretty obviously not acceptable.

However when an artist is using mixed media, generated initially from an original work (be that photograph, drawing, painting, etc) and then using AI elements to bring their creative vision to life - that's more of a tricky situation for a website such as PP and we all need to have an open discussion about it - because this isn't going away.

Do we, as a collective, say that we don't accept any artificially created elements of a submitted image on PP?  Where would we draw the line on this?  Is using an AI based application to bring something into focus artificial?  Is replacing a background artificial?  Is extending an existing back?  Is creating an almost wholly artificial artwork which is based on an original photograph?  

I do understand that the website has a big headache to deal with here.  It's the same situation that many photographic salons and societies are also having to wrestle with too.

If we are to accept that certain AI generated elements are allowed in images on PP, then we need a clearly defined set of parameters that everyone can work with, plus (as you allude to) there does need to be a process of adjudication from the site, particularly when it comes to granting an image an award.

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain in order to allow your award (assuming that we agree that AI elements are permitted).

Parkstone Photography said, 1715947877

Saracen House Studio said

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain 

Impossible to do seeing as an PSD file is bigger than 2.9 MB which is what this site allows. What I would have to do in fact is take a photo of the image that I had created with Photoshop to prove to them that I had created it with Photoshop. I've sent Admin proof of that now, but honestly, I just can't be arsed with it all now..... 

Like I said to them, there are other websites where I can show images I have created and get appreciation. I don't need to solely do it here..... even if that image was accepted as an FPI. Better off out....

Edited by Parkstone Photography

ANDY00 said, 1715947977

Saracen House Studio said

I think this raises an interesting point.  For sure there are some members on here who think it's OK to completely generate an image using generative AI and that's pretty obviously not acceptable.

However when an artist is using mixed media, generated initially from an original work (be that photograph, drawing, painting, etc) and then using AI elements to bring their creative vision to life - that's more of a tricky situation for a website such as PP and we all need to have an open discussion about it - because this isn't going away.

Do we, as a collective, say that we don't accept any artificially created elements of a submitted image on PP?  Where would we draw the line on this?  Is using an AI based application to bring something into focus artificial?  Is replacing a background artificial?  Is extending an existing back?  Is creating an almost wholly artificial artwork which is based on an original photograph?  

I do understand that the website has a big headache to deal with here.  It's the same situation that many photographic salons and societies are also having to wrestle with too.

If we are to accept that certain AI generated elements are allowed in images on PP, then we need a clearly defined set of parameters that everyone can work with, plus (as you allude to) there does need to be a process of adjudication from the site, particularly when it comes to granting an image an award.

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain in order to allow your award (assuming that we agree that AI elements are permitted).

As I said, I believe the stipulation is that a real model must be in the image, and you must be able to prove that it's a real model. You can, as always, use Photoshop on that image to change elements as you wish to enhance your artwork. that's my understanding anyway

ANDY00 said, 1715948033

Parkstone Photography said

Saracen House Studio said

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain 

Impossible to do seeing as an PSD file is bigger than 2.9 MB which is what this site allows. What I would have to do in fact is take a photo of the image that I had created with Photoshop to prove to them that I had created it with Photoshop. I've sent Admin proof of that now, but honestly, I just can't be arsed with it all now..... 

Like I said to them, there are other websites where I can show images I have created and get appreciation. I don't need to solely do it here..... even if that image was accepted as an FPI. Better off out....

Edited by Parkstone Photography

You can send original image of model ? that i imagine is what they would want.

Saracen House Studio said, 1715948095

Parkstone Photography said

Saracen House Studio said

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain 

Impossible to do seeing as an PSD file is bigger than 2.9 MB which is what this site allows. What I would have to do in fact is take a photo of the image that I had created with Photoshop to prove to them that I had created it with Photoshop. I've sent Admin proof of that now, but honestly, I just can't be arsed with it all now..... 

Like I said to them, there are other websites where I can show images I have created and get appreciation. I don't need to solely do it here..... even if that image was accepted as an FPI. Better off out....

Edited by Parkstone Photography

I can understand your frustration, but I guess it also helps to understand the challenges that a site like PP, or other photographic organisations, are struggling to keep up with right now.

FWIW, I really appreciate your artwork, I can see it's a crafted piece of digital art and you should be proud of that.

Parkstone Photography said, 1715948529

Saracen House Studio said

Parkstone Photography said

Saracen House Studio said

I think when you offer to send the original process to the website, in the form of an original photograph, plus the PSD showing the workings, that is certainly something to which they should be willing to entertain 

Impossible to do seeing as an PSD file is bigger than 2.9 MB which is what this site allows. What I would have to do in fact is take a photo of the image that I had created with Photoshop to prove to them that I had created it with Photoshop. I've sent Admin proof of that now, but honestly, I just can't be arsed with it all now..... 

Like I said to them, there are other websites where I can show images I have created and get appreciation. I don't need to solely do it here..... even if that image was accepted as an FPI. Better off out....

Edited by Parkstone Photography

I can understand your frustration, but I guess it also helps to understand the challenges that a site like PP, or other photographic organisations, are struggling to keep up with right now.

FWIW, I really appreciate your artwork, I can see it's a crafted piece of digital art and you should be proud of that.

Honestly, it's all good. I knew awhile ago that this kind of thing was gonna happen on here and I was expecting it. It's just comes as a bit of surprise that people can't see that I am creating this images. It's simple for purpleport to find out anyway, when all they need to do is use Tineye.... 😉

Thank you very much as well for that compliment.

Parkstone Photography said, 1715949107

I'm probably just gonna remove 95% of my images anyway from purpleport now and just create a whole new portfolio..... Maybe it's time for a fresh start....

Sensual Art said, 1715949686

Parkstone Photography said

I really don't understand Purpleport. They removed some of my images claiming that they look like they are AI even though I have proof that I have done them within Photoshop. Surely the better thing to do would be to contact me directly to find out if I actually have proof I created them, before removing my images...

What do I have to do?  Do I have to upload an image showing that I have done this with Photoshop rather than the image itself?

You have a VIP account, which means you can create an album.

Into that album, you can upload unedited JPGs from the originals.  It's these unedited versions that I believe Admin would like to see, as they'll show the model clearly.  Photoshop files are less interesting in this context, though they could be pertinent to a publisher, I don't know.

Pro tip: don't give the album a cover image.  That way, it'll stay non-visible on your portfolio, but you can still show people if you want to.

Tabitha Boydell said, 1715951042

It’s a shame as one of the images that has gone was an FPI and it was definitely a composite, nothing to do with AI

Parkstone Photography said, 1715951108

Sensual Art said

Parkstone Photography said

I really don't understand Purpleport. They removed some of my images claiming that they look like they are AI even though I have proof that I have done them within Photoshop. Surely the better thing to do would be to contact me directly to find out if I actually have proof I created them, before removing my images...

What do I have to do?  Do I have to upload an image showing that I have done this with Photoshop rather than the image itself?

You have a VIP account, which means you can create an album.

Into that album, you can upload unedited JPGs from the originals.  It's these unedited versions that I believe Admin would like to see, as they'll show the model clearly.  Photoshop files are less interesting in this context, though they could be pertinent to a publisher, I don't know.

Pro tip: don't give the album a cover image.  That way, it'll stay non-visible on your portfolio, but you can still show people if you want to.

Yeah, I could do that probably with just a simple collage with all of the images I used to create that composite within one image, rather than upload multiple images/assets. 

It's worth thinking about, but for the moment I think I'm just gonna cull my port, for now, then start again. End of the day, it's not really too much to worry about. When you turn on BBC News and you see all the crap that's going on in the world, you kind of think that maybe losing a few images from Purpleport, really isn't that much of a big deal.....

Edited by Parkstone Photography

Parkstone Photography said, 1715951676

Tabitha Boydell said

It’s a shame as one of the images that has gone was an FPI and it was definitely a composite, nothing to do with AI

To be honest, though I just think FPI's aren't an award or anything. It's just site recognition. End of the day, though I don't need that because I'm comfortable in the satisfaction that I don't need recognition from Purpleport.... Like the old saying goes, it is what it is. Hey ho.

indemnity said, 1715953171

Have any selfies been removed?......;)