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Maybe a question for MUA's


By Lightingman, 1716114514

I want to do a body shot with a painted model ( random daubing because-- )  I WANT the paint to run, I've tried one  with 'proper' body/face paint as obviously safety is paramount, but the paint stuck when the shower was applied.

As I said before I'm most concerned about it being a) safe and b) the paint will wash off easily so the model won't have vaguely stained skin for several days!

I've though of using dry body pigments, but they'll  then have to be mixed with a medium ( glycerine/water?) to apply to the body  and seeing how that works?   

indemnity said, 1716116466

Have you considered a latex paint, providing no allergy.

BLA@K said, 1716116943

try food colouring  use a little white vinegar to remove ..Someone on here used custard as runny paint with food colouring