ANDY00 said, 1715963863

Russ Freeman

Personally, I think and have always thought that money will become unnecessary for civilization eventually. Money was created as a way to control populations (well originally it was created as a way to show the quality of your silver or gold but on a broader note) and later became a means to connect continents across the world through trade using currencies to balance it. With robotics and AI taking over the workforce, money will eventually have no purpose, as everything you could get from other continents you will be able to produce locally. Even now, things like coffee and oranges, which have traditionally been produced in hotter, more humid climates, can be grown locally using modern indoor growing platforms.

As for what happens to humans, who can tell? I don’t believe we will just become lazy; actually, I think the opposite will happen because the future will be more optimistic for future generations. In the 20th century, we saw entire generations tied to desks or stuck in seats driving cabs, eating McDonald’s for lunch because ultra-processed food was cheaper. But in the future, who knows—maybe free, fresh produce will more widely available, and completely free even if currency dies out because robotics are doing the work. Previous generations worked through their kids growing up; I was one of them and missed many important moments because I had to work. Maybe in the future, that will change too, and families will get to spend more time together. Maybe that will help solve the problems we have with troubled youth, depression, and criminal behaviour. Spending more time with your children as they grow up could make enough of a difference to really change their lives. Who knows?

I also see schooling changing dramatically over the next decade with this new technology. Certainly, when you think about the costs involved in building and maintaining schools and paying teachers who teach maybe 40 children at a time, giving little chance for one-on-one interaction with children who need it, it becomes much more viable to have an AI chatbot teacher like that shown in chatgpt4o at home that gives your child individualised teaching to their needs. Although, they would miss out on conversational and socialising skills gained from the playground.




Edited by ANDY00

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