Ageism towards older models


J.S. creative images. said, 1716561798

The reasons for things being slow regarding shoots is normally more about Location and budgets, at present I am not able to be far from home as my mother is not well and she is 97 so I need to be close to home and for budgets many are having to cut down on spending. The O P has a great portfolio and poses very well I hope the advice given here will

help get more work I am sure it will.

Fotografia Bennitito said, 1716850999

I have no problem working with extra years,  in fact one I regularly get to collaborate with is 54, and recent shoots have been.

I do think budgets have been squeezed and even studios found it a little hard to get bookings filled. 

things are returning  abet slowly.  

Lo la said, 1716854825

Because we live in a society that is afraid of aging. It is becoming like the novel Brave New World.

It is simply a reflection of people's own insecurities

If people shame you about your age, they are fearful of aging themselves..

Our culture has become increasingly vain and unkind, just look at some of these comments, especially the first response!

Numbers mean very little now, given how much longer we live and younger people can look at an older age now.

Besides, the people who really want to work with you, will..

You don't want to attract judgemental tossers, sadly there's a few of those on here and usually not in great shape to criticise themselves which is ironic.

Just be yourself and you will magnetise the right folks to you.

JME Studios said, 1716900455

I would argue it's a ripe time for older models, as there's not a lot of younger models coming through the system anymore.

Trudyuk said, 1716901471


Being new to this at a ripe old age of 56, I have been shocked at the amount of people who would like to shoot with me. I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder, dont take it too personally.

M e l a n y said, 1716902008

I’m sorry that you’ve not had the response to your casting that you were hoping for. In an effort to reassure you, I’m older than you and have been on the site for 8 years so started in my 40s, and I’ve always had a really positive experience with definitely no ageism.

I’ve always found that photographers focus on what I’ve got to offer through my modelling and my age rarely gets mentioned.

Keep doing what you’re doing and I’m sure you will build up a like-minded community of people to work with as the site is very good for that 😊 said, 1716997038

Just had two shoots and both models were over 50.

FiL said, 1717021033

The model in my profile header image is in her 50s and is thoroughly recommended.