Is photography sexual?


more_m_photo said, 1715095225

A good shoot is a mini love affair for me, but that has nothing to do with sex or eroticism.  I love to look at, be with, and photograph beautiful things (not just models) and I have found beauty in everyone I've ever photographed without exception.

Edited by more_m_photo

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715113342

Sensual I think is probably right, perhaps particularly for women.

I have definitely seen times with models -- particularly amateur models and friends -- where it is clear that the process of posing is making my model think about her shape, think about its perception, engage with the idea that it is nice to look at, worthy of being looked at, etc.; I think that if the wider mood is relaxed, that sort of proprioceptive focus is often sensual and intriguing, and I know that life models have often described it as a self-aware meditative experience.

Behind the camera, I personally experience only terror and fear of failure or compositional inadequacy, punctuated by occasional feelings of mild success.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

Headshot said, 1715136005

I've just realised how cold-hearted I am. I don't really get this. Everything is planned, and the model either shows initiative, or I work to a schedule to get everything done. Rapport is great, but it's not essential. With that said my more successful shoots have been where everybody is fully engaged. A model has to be pretty good just to go through the motions, and still turn in a capable set of images. It can be done, but I've seen it fail. As I recall David Bailey said: "You don't have to sleep with the model, but it helps." No wonder his wife left him.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715165299

Headshot said

I've just realised how cold-hearted I am. I don't really get this. Everything is planned, and the model either shows initiative, or I work to a schedule to get everything done. Rapport is great, but it's not essential.

I don’t mean to suggest that ultimately for serious models it’s anything other than a job, so I doubt you’re far off the mainstream.

I just think that the initial appeal probably has a lot to do with self-image and the surprising ways modelling changes it through quite a direct, intense experience of what it is like to be looked at, to take control of that, etc., which is an inherently sensuous process (using the word in its simplest meaning). I have certainly seen that working with amateurs and friends, yet I am a nerd who wouldn’t know a sensual environment if it bit me.

Claret said, 1715166849

As a model, I am a little confused at the thought that shoots are sexual (or a love story). Connection - yes, certainly. But sexual or a falling in love situation? I would never say this about any of my shoots at all. In fact, I would feel absolutely awkward if I thought a photographer I am shooting with needed this line of thinking to produce great images together.

I now mostly only shoot with dance photographers (because that is where my main interest is), and I have great relationships and connections with these people without anything sexual or ‘loving’ happening. In fact, we talk about every day things (such as a new baby being on the way) so that would make it even more awkward!

I understand that maybe some shoots may feel sexual in nature due to the content, but everyday, SFW shoots? Not for me at least :)

Huw said, 1715166889

Are baked beans sexual?

Depends who is bathing in them.


Peter B said, 1715174357

I'm too preoccupied with the technicalities for it to be sexual but there's a good French word that sums it up for me: frisson, which translated means aesthetic chills. Not every time but when there's a connection and I'm in a flow state, it's a fun experience.

Edited by Peter B