Home » Your Groups » Wanted/For Sale » Sirui 50mm F2.9 1.6x Anamorphic (Sony FE Fit)

Sirui 50mm F2.9 1.6x Anamorphic (Sony FE Fit)

KK Faerber

By KK Faerber, 1713367757

Beautiful lens, incredibly well made with a great image.This has been used for a total of four days whilst on a trip to Bruges last month. Love the lens but it needs to go somewhere where its going to the use it deserves!

MPB have offered me £505 for it, and I would rather it went to someone else as I have had so many issues with that company in recent years! So before I accept their offer I thought I would offer it on here and a couple of other websites. I am happy with offers around that mark as I bought it on Amazon with a couple of discount codes and a voucher from a previous birthday, so I got it for a very good price.

Comes with box and both caps and anything that was in the box as I have only ever taken out the lens. Posted RMSD

Here is the test footage I did with the lens in Belgium: https://youtu.be/pRP2ldAycME?si=WmuQAFonyBDgym1C

And here is someone who knows how to shoot and edit video properly using this lens: https://youtu.be/4OBjZ5VbK_w?si=BUFkgYZFMvOjqPJf 

BridgeSHOOTS said, 1713379504

super tempting! how is it for stills? 

KK Faerber said, 1713381307


Really nice. Very easy to adjust for the crop factor too. It’s a very sharp lens and loads of character.

BridgeSHOOTS said, 1713381789

KK Faerber Awesome, I hope i have the spare cash at the end of the month, I've been interested in anamorphic lenses for a long time, especially for portraits to achieve that cinematic look 

KK Faerber said, 1713437755

Open to offers as I would like this to be sold asap

KK Faerber said, 1714523841
