Home » analoguemagic » Cello shadows

Cello shadows

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Cello shadows / Photography by analoguemagic / Uploaded 31st August 2022 @ 08:31 PM
Photography by: analoguemagicKeyword tags: cello, concealed, electric cello, Elegance, Nude, pose, shadowsAlbums: People, PaleEnglishRose, DigitalGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1661977865 by analoguemagic.

I had a fabulous analogue shoot yesterday. Film developing takes a while in 2022, so I took a couple of pics on a cheap digital camera and I'm quite pleased with the results. This is PaleEnglishRose with a Yamaha electric cello in her home studio.

There are a few changes I would make next time (this was my first ever shoot) but I'd be really grateful for feedback from others as well. Here's what I love and hate...


- The elegance and poise of the model: really beautiful.

- The way the shape of the cello follows the model's curves.

- The shadows on her back.

- The expression on the model's face, and the way her facial features are just visible a little, upsetting the symmetry in an interesting way.


- The D string isn't straight! Argh - over-fussy perhaps, but a detail I should have checked!

- I was aiming for symmetrical details, but I didn't check the line between the backdrop and the floor covering.

- This is my first time doing any kind of editing, so not sure if I could make other changes to improve it.