Additional Information

  • Full time Photographer
  • More than 22 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Beauty, Commercial, Fashion, Glamour, Lifestyle, Portrait and Promotional



I am an artist in every sense of the word. Music is my first love so I produce music and play drums, however filmmaking and photography are also my big passions. In fact, for last 10 years or so I have done more video and photography work then music production.

Even though music is at the heart of my work but I like to keep my choices wide open and try not to restrict myself. In 2008 I founded my own production company in UK, called ROWDY PRODUCTIONS so I could freely explore the depths of my passion for music, photography and filmmaking.

For some times now, my full time job is designing, developing and managing websites. A lot of my work involves e-commerce and products. I can’t remember exactly when, but one day I found myself doing more product photography then portraits, beauty or fashion. My goal now is to get back into beauty and fashion photography  because that's what I am really passionate about.

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Rowdy Farooqi has 1 followers and is following 2 people.