
Pellis / Photography by Stephanie Pearl Photography / Uploaded 19th October 2018 @ 07:08 PM
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Photography by: Stephanie Pearl PhotographyGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1539976128 by Stephanie Pearl Photography.

Shed the skin you need no more. A concept about the inevitable change and growth in our lives and the shedding that goes with it. I've shed a lot of skins. There have been times I've felt like I could never escape my current situation, that I was trapped in a quiet shell of myself, surrounded by people that damaged me. In the past I have changed my address and not told a soul to allow my freedom and safety to leave. Shedding old lives has been liberating and self transforming. Everytime births a stronger and fiercer woman. Someone more motivated towards my goals, more empowered to be who I want to be and someone who can take on the world, with most battle fatigue crushed into tiny insignificant fragments in this beautiful reality I am building for myself. I urge those who feel helpless to purge. Break free, change your situation and CONQUER. It's never easy, but the end goal is worth every struggle.

Created for my Fragile Beasts project.

Model: Aseult - modèle et créations costumes