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Has a previously banned member ever legitimately been allowed back on the site?

Tabitha Boydell

By Tabitha Boydell, 1715017469

Just curious if there have ever been any opportunities for previously banned members to come back, for whatever reason, after a time.

indemnity said, 1715018521

I doubt that would be entertained unless there was evidence to support the original decision was incorrect. The message does state permanent removal, and such decisions are not taken lightly.

art65 said, 1715021802

I know of one but only one so there must have been extenuating circumstances.

CalmNudes said, 1715022038

Are we thinking about the return of a lost sock ? 

I would imagine an account can be unbanned, so the same person returning with a new account... probably not legit. I'd take the concern to admin, rather than start a thread though.

Edited by CalmNudes

ClickMore 📷 said, 1715022519

I think there would have to be a very good reason for it. Perhaps being found not to have behaved in a way they were accused and exonerated.

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1715023050

In the history of PP, way back in the day, we allowed a handle of banned members back on, only for them to do the same things that got them banned.

That's why we adopted the policy of not allowing them back on unless our lovely Admin made a mistake or we banned them while waiting for a response from them. Our lovely Admin gets called all manner of names due to this policy, but ultimately, it's better they remain on other services.

Looks like the sock has been banned now.