Home » Kitty Quinzell » In loving memory of Bocote Photoart

In loving memory of Bocote Photoart

Paul was a fearless creative, never afraid to make mistakes, experiment with lighting, strange angles, props - but he was proud to create those images on camera and show them, true as they were when he took them. No photo manipulation, just raw creativity.

I did 70+ shoots with him, we lost count!

But every single shoot we did, whether it was in a large studio or in his little lounge, I knew we would get amazing images every time and we did.  

I met Paul in 2011, I was just finding my legs as a model at the time. He saw something in me and put me into a studio with Anita De Bauch And Roswell Ivory. I had no idea what I was doing at the time! But I watched the amazing models with awe and tried my best to pose to their calibre. Paul did this several times, putting me with far more experienced models. It’s thanks to him that I learned and I blossomed. His belief in me is why I am where I am today.

We were not just a creative and his “diamond” muse, but fierce friends who could talk about absolutely anything, with a bond as strong as family.

Paul unfortunately developed COPD and heart problems, we kept shooting together until the end. He lost his battle with ill health on 9th July 2021.

We shot so many images together, it was hard to choose but I hope this selection does him justice.

Thank you Paul for the creativity, the fun and the friendship.

I’ll miss you terribly,

Your Diamond x

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