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Home » Keira Lavelle » Figure Study/Bodyscapes

Figure Study/Bodyscapes

There's probably a lot of images here which could be pigeon-holed as other styles too: but what should be predominantly represented is imagery with a focus on shape and form - mostly the nude. 

There are so many ways to create interesting photos with a combination of body shapes and light: and it can be as complicated, or simple a process as the creatives involved want it to be. This would certainly pass certainly an area in which I am quite specialised in: having always trained in fitness from a young age and worked on aspects like flexibility and body tone... It's a form of expression that comes quite natural in terms of the ways I bend and stretch myself, relative to the light - I liken it very much to painting, where the figure becomes the canvas and the light is the paint! As such, it's a strange process of almost detaching from yourself when you model and upon reviewing the pictures it becomes more like looking at something you've produced with your fellow creatives on an artistic level than "YOU" in the picture. I find it truly fascinating. :)

Yes, there are unusual shapes, bits sticking out, like; RIBS! :P I also appreciate that seeing such body sculpting to this degree is not everyone's cup of tea. Most people who understand the human form and how models pose know that seeing ribs on a particular image that a model has featured in does not necessarily mean: A) They look like that all the time from every single angle, and B) They never eat anything. Aside from the fact that I can put away food like I'm preparing for the national "fill-your-face" championships... Posing is a huge part of figure work and a lot of the time; a model can deliberately accentuate a particular look or pose for added drama. I can stand with a more even set of "abs" or even tummy on command, just like I can up the "ribbage" on request purposely for a specific shot. It is surprising how many people don't realise this. :)

I just love shapes. Monochrome and colour, lines and curves - whether studio based or working to an environment. It never get's boring and for those photographers who do not shoot nude: I have leotards and other garments to still allow for the working of "SFW" figure work. :D

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