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Home » Barry Davison-Mallard » That Chair, That Iconic Pose again ...

That Chair, That Iconic Pose again ...

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That Chair, That Iconic Pose again ...  / Photography by Barry Davison-Mallard, Model Hattie Grace, Taken at Penguin Stu6ios / Uploaded 13th September 2022 @ 02:37 PM

Added 1663079843 by Barry Davison-Mallard.

Everyone does it - few get it dead right.

Kelly & I nailed it.

Why do I do the same shot?

Well I've got the dead right chair you see, no-one else has except the V & A museum, and its such an interesting story behind a shoot where the photographer wasn't much bothered, with a model who wasn't a model and was actually extremely shy, yet produced a photograph which became an Icon of the '60s, accelerated a public scandal, helped to destroy a government, caused suicides, and ruined the lives of so many - and actually all to sell a few more Sunday newspapers.

That's why.

I have copies of the other 10 shots on the original Lewis Morley shoot - so watch this space ..............